Cal/OSHA Requires Most Employers to Immediately Establish a Workplace COVID-19 Prevention Program


Last week, Cal/OSHA approved emergency temporary standards for workplaces regarding COVID-19 infection prevention which are effective immediately and apply to most California workers. Employers must establish a written COVID-19 Prevention Program and test employees who were exposed at work in certain circumstances. More information and a link to Cal/OSHA's model prevention program document are included in the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards fact sheet (click here to access)

While these new standards also require employers to notify their local health department if an employee is COVID-19 positive, San Diego County already required this---employers can use an online form here to do so.

In addition, Cal/OSHA's new rule provides that employees who cannot work due to COVID-19 infection or exposure may be entitled to additional paid leave on top of the well-known federal and state leave plans.

If you need help developing your written COVID-19 Prevention Plan, guidance navigating the intersection of all employee leave options, or would like to discuss anything else related to COVID-19 in your workplace, please contact Ross Schwartz, Dick Semerdjian, Kevin CauleySarah Evans or John Schena