Postings Now Available for San Diego’s Earned Sick Leave & Minimum Wage Ordinance
San Diego’s City Council made the voter-approved Earned Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Ordinance effective as of July 11, 2016. Under this ordinance, all employers must pay to each employee wages not less than $10.50 per hour for work done within the geographic boundaries of the City of San Diego. Also, if employees work more than 720 hours per year within San Diego city limits, they are entitled to more paid sick leave than required by California law, up to 40 hours of paid sick leave.
If you are not sure if your employees work within San Diego city limits, you can search online here.
Employers must post notices about these changes. The current version of those notices are now available here and at the City of San Diego website.
Click here to download the Minimum Wage Notice
Click here to download the Earned Sick Leave Notice
The City Council is working toward an Implementing Ordinance related to these voter-approved policies, which is expected to (but does not yet) allow employers to cap an employee’s total accrual of sick leave at 80 hours and allow employers to front load no less than 40 hours of sick leave to an employee at the beginning of each benefit year.
If you have any questions or want to discuss further, please contact Ross Schwartz, Dick Semerdjian, Sarah Evans or Sierra Spitzer.